Monday 7 October 2024

Card Chain Challenge Sign Up - November 2024

 Hello and welcome!

If this is the first time you've visited the Card Chain Challenge 
we hope you'll sign up and join in the fun!
We are all about spreading love around the world, one handmade card at a time!!
We've now exchanged over 4,495 cards by participants from 41 of the 50 United States and 33 countries.
Exciting news!!!
This month the Card Chain Challenge is again being generously sponsored by

Relatively Thoughtful

Relatively Thoughtful is a craft paper Designer and Brand product supplier that offers a range of unique and creative products for crafting enthusiasts. Based in the UK our website features a variety of craft supplies, and we pride ourselves on providing high-quality products at affordable prices, with exceptional customer service. We have created our own brand and designs which we believe are unique and inspiring and these are available in both real and digital format.  Check our website for free gifts and our current challenge.

Relatively Thoughtful are offering 2 Digital kits for one randomly selected person who completes the requirements of the November Card Chain Challenge.  The kits being offered this month are from the new Sherlock collection and you will get both the Background Papers and the Evidence Kit.  Thank you so much Relatively Thoughtful.  I realise not everyone uses digital art so if you would like to be considered for the random draw please leave a comment at the bottom of this post or message me and I'll add your name to the list.

Relatively Thoughtful are also offering a 10% discount for all our players!! This discount applies to digital and physical products in the shop so we should all be able to benefit from this.  I will include the discount code with the Card Chain Challenge contact email.  If you shop please do use our discount code.


Please remember
This is an international card exchange. Please do not sign up unless you are willing to actually make and send a card.  
  • Please email us (craftynomad at gmail dot com) a 100-200k photo of your handmade card by 25th November 2024
  •  Your card should arrive at its destination by 30th November 2024.

Challenge Directions 
Make a card using at least one of the following options. (You can actually use two, three, all the options, but you are only required to use one of them.)  

Colour Palette Option
(Exact matching is not required.)

Sketch Option
(Orient as desired.)

Theme Options: Nativity
/ Steampunk / Friendship
Product / Technique Options: Patterned Paper / Tunnel Card

Sign Up Deadline  
You have until 6th November 2024, to sign up below.  

Reveal Post
All of the cards with links to their creators' blogs or online photo galleries will be revealed here on 2nd December 2024.
Sign up below (please include a link to your blog/photo gallery). Please sign up using your first name and your state, province or country. EX: Ann in Texas; Betty in Ontario; Cathy in Wales; Darla in Italy.

Thanks for signing up!
Gail and Jo 

*This is an international card exchange - you send a handmade card to the person above you on the list, and you receive one from the person below you on the list. We do a reveal of all the cards with links to the challenge participants' blogs or online photo galleries - which is a great way to increase exposure to your blog or photo gallery! 

Helpful Links

Please read the Rules & FAQs if you want to play along.  
We also have some Mailing Tips that might be useful.....    

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Card Chain Challenge Reveal September 2024

Hello and welcome to the September 2024 Card Chain Challenge Reveal!

Have you seen the 15th Birthday post??
Don't forget to leave a comment.... 

We had 28 participants who exchanged cards across the globe this month.
Total number of cards exchanged thus far by Card Chain Challenge participants is 4,495
We are being very generously sponsored by 
 For September they offered a £30 gift voucher to the shop.  I put everyone into random draw and he came up with (me, me, me, me ,me) number 17........... The lucky winner is

BRENDA in the UK

Congrats Brenda on winning this awesome prize and big huge thanks to Relatively Thoughtful for sponsoring us.   Remember to leave a comment on the October sign up if you want to be considered for the digital kit that is the October prize.   Still time to sign up for October.
Back to September........ 
All the cards exchanged this month used at least one of the following options:

Colour Palette Option
(Exact matching is not required.)

Sketch Option
(Orient as desired.)

Theme Options: Egypt / Paws / Friendship

Product / Technique Options:  Embossing Powder / Inlaid Die Cut

Who Sent What To Whom

And that brings us full circle.

Thank you, everyone, for sharing your artistic talent and doing your part for global relations! We've now exchanged over 4,495 cards by participants from 41 of the 50 United States and 33 countries.

If you want to see more of these artists' card art, check out their blogs and please leave 'em some love in the comments!

Want to join the fun????
Hey, Gentle Readers, if you want to join in the fun you can sign up for the Card Chain Challenge.  All sign ups run in advance, from the 7th of the preceding month to the 6th of the exchange month.  All reveals happen on the 2nd of the month after the exchange is complete.

Hope to see you here!

Thanks for stopping!
Gail and Jo

W H O' S   B E E N   P L A Y I N G
(If you're reading this and have never participated, please consider doing so. And if you see that your country or state has never been represented, you are honour-bound to sign up and show that y'all are friendly and interested in building global peace - and your stamp collection - one card at a time!)

As of 30th September 2024, we've exchanged over 4,495 cards in this little jaunt - most of which were made by regular participants. And where do they come from? Read on....

Past participants have hailed from: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands (Holland), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya,  Malaysia, Mauritius, New Zealand, Norway, The Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa and USA. (We only need to get some countries that begin with L, O, Q, R, T, V, W, X, Y, and Z to keep up with our alphabet list!)  Total global participation here we come!!!

As for the USA, past participants come from: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. We're still missing: South Dakota, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming.

If you're new to the Card Chain Challenge this is an event where everybody wins. You make a card for the person above you on the chain and you receive a card from the person below you on the chain. It's a personalized swap, sort of, and it's a ton of fun! Go here for past Chains.

Thursday 12 September 2024

15 Years Young

Hello Card Chain Challenge friends.   Happy Birthday to us!!

Can you believe it's been 15 years since Deborah had this awesome idea.

In 15 years we have sent nearly 4,500 cards!! from 33 different countries!!!  and some of the original players are still playing!!!!


Welcome to our party.  We hope you will help us make it a success.  My name is Gail, I use ionabunny online, and along with Jo, also known as Dotty Pudding, we keep this whole huge endeavour moving along in a semi-orderly manner.  I'm talking, so I get to say, that without Jo it may have crashed and burned, cos it's quite a lot to deal with each month.  Luckily for us all Jo agreed to help out.  She beavers away in the background, often unseen and unsung, but I just wanted you to know that she is my rock.  Thanks Jo.

 OK, this is all a bit 'oh look, it's our birthday, maybe we should do something', so things may or may not pop up in the coming days or weeks, but we felt it shouldn't passed unnoticed, since we had noticed... 

We are kicking off, and maybe finishing LOL, with a little reminisce of how we found the Card Chain Challenge and what it means to us.  

Hi, I'm Gail in Norway and I joined my first Card Chain Challenge exchange in January 2014.  I was fairly new to blogging at that time and I had been following Deborah for a while.  I liked her crazy happy chatty blog and I remember I didn't jump in immediately cos I wasn't sure how it worked.  I like to understand how things work!  Then January rolled around and I thought the new year was the time to jump in.  I sent my first card to Greta and Jo sent me my first card and it didn't arrive!!   Probably went for a walk the wrong way around the planet.  Anyway, disappointed, but resigned to the possibility of such things happening, I learnt my first very important lesson about the Card Chain Challenge!  Jo sent me a message saying 'looks like it's lost, I've sent another one'.  Well, wow.  A stranger had sent me a card, it disappeared, but she's sending another.  How awesome is that.  The second card turned up very quickly, everyone was happy and I was hooked!!  Never missed a month since.  I think the second card limped in a few weeks later with an Australian postmark!!  No clue about that really.  Weird things happen.  

So yes, I'm pootling along, sending a card a month, getting a card a month, and like I said, I like to see how things work, and Deborah was occasionally a bit slow getting the contact sheet up to date, which I now totally understand, so I started adding a few names in.  She seemed grateful for the help, so I maybe sent a reminder to send photos, or fended queries, without having any idea of the whole picture cos it was Deborah's baby across the pond.  And then life started getting really big and busy for Deborah.  And I still am not sure how I knew that, or how we became such good friends all this long way apart, but we did, and I helped where I could.  I did a bit more and a bit more and suddenly the baby was in my lap, and I gotta tell you ladies, she's a big baby.  But like you do with a baby, you just gotta get stuck in, so I did.  I moved it to my blog for a while thinking maybe Deborah would want it back, but she hasn't yet.  So I did it all for a few months, cos I know how much it means to me, and I know how much it means to you, but it was a lot.  It got easier, but it took time and it got a bit lost on my blog so I decided it needed a blog of it's own.  This is where I reached out to Jo, or maybe she reached out to me.  I needed help and she said offered.  I remember my knees went weak and I sank into a chair thinking thank you, thank you, because this is a thing that deserves to exist.  Thanks Jo.  The pretty blog is all Jo's doing.  The pretty badges are all Jo.  The continuation of this is down to Jo's support and help and love and to you lovely ladies who have continued to play along, send love and support and awesome cards every single month for 15 years.  You are all awesome and amazing.  HUGZ.


Hi, it's Jo here now. Goodness, I got a big build up from Gail and of course, it's all true! Seriously, this brilliant challenge would not happen each month without GAIL a.k.a. Wonderbunny; she is one very special lady and my very dear friend. Thank you for all that YOU do, Gail.

I first joined The Card Chain Challenge back in February 2010. I'd been hovering around Deborah's amazing blog for a while having got to 'know' her through The Hero Arts Blog, where she was a Hostess, and chatting on the wonderful Hero Arts Flickr Group. I'm so happy that so many of our CCC players (past and present) are from HA Flickr. I loved the whole concept of The Card Chain Challenge and eventually summoned up the courage to sign up and send my first card in February 2010. 

I sent this card to Cassi in Vienna, VA, USA...

and received this card from Yvette in Belgium!

I was caught hook, line and sinker, and the thrill of receiving a card from a fellow cardmaker each month has never diminished! 

I got to know Gail when I was her sender. The bunny card I made didn't reach her. I was so disappointed as I knew Gail was a brand new player. Thankfully, card #2 flew across the miles to Norway and reached her safely. Card #1 turned up a while later having done some globe trotting first! When Deborah hit a few health problems Gail stepped in to keep things going at CCC, and after some emailing we ended up chatting on the telephone about how best to take things forward and support Deborah's fabulous challenge until she could take up the reins once again. I will never forget my surprise at Gail's accent as I was expecting to chat with a Norwegian lady and instead heard her lovely North East Somerset tones. The rest is history, as they say, and thanks to Gail, The Card Chain Challenge is celebrating 15th years since it's inception on Deborah's blog.

I feel so blessed to be a part of CCC and have made so many wonderful friends through the simple act of sending and receiving a card each month.  Thank you to Deborah for dreaming-up this brilliant challenge, and to Gail for keeping things going with such energy and passion. It's a huge undertaking each month and I don't know how she holds it all together. Thanks also to all our wonderful, wonderful players who bring the magic - you are all amazing and much appreciated. 

In November 2023 we found ourselves in the same pub...

  OK, so that's us.  We would love you to share something about your Card Chain Challenge experience, how you feel about it, or any other thoughts you have.  Maybe you only did one exchange, maybe you have been here from the start, maybe you have thought about it but never joined in.  Joining in is the way to really understand how it works, how wonderful a concept and community it is. 



Jo and I have managed to wrangle a few crafty goodies and we will be sending out a few random packages to some people who take the time to leave a comment.